Tatranské informačné kancelárie Starý Smokovec 052/442 34 40 Tatranská Lomnica 052/446 81 19 Informácie

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Tatranský ľadový dóm

Putovanie za históriou tatranských osád

Kaviareň a čajovňa u Vlka

Múzeum kinematografie a fotografie

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Hotel Palace Grand

Adress: Nový Smokovec 32, Vysoké Tatry
Phone number: +421 52 4422 454 , +421 918 772 896
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.kupelens.sk

The Nový Smokovec Spa is one of the most famous climatic spas in Slovakia. They are situated in the center of the Tatra National Park (TANAP), under Slavkovský štít, at an altitude of 1018 m above sea level. The foundations of the spa in the Smokovec area were laid as early as 1797 by Count Csáky, and a new modern climatic spa in Nový Smokovec itself was opened in 1876 by the doctor Mikuláš Szontagh.

More than 100 wellness attractions and procedures in the heart of nature are a guarantee of perfect relaxation.

The hotel also has congress halls.

In the hotel you will also find:

Restaurant Svišť Nový Smokovec

The Tatra marmot is an animal that chooses only the best from the Tatra nature. Visiting the Svišť restaurant in Kúpele Nový Smokovec (Nový Smokovec Spa) is, therefore, a suitable choice for guests looking for tasty and quality food in a pleasant environment directly below Slavkovský štít. You can also use the stylish terrace, which […]