Tatranské informačné kancelárie Starý Smokovec 052/442 34 40 Tatranská Lomnica 052/446 81 19 Informácie

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Tatranský ľadový dóm

Putovanie za históriou tatranských osád

Kaviareň a čajovňa u Vlka

Múzeum kinematografie a fotografie

Pension Valaška

Adress: Dolný Smokovec 18, 05981 Vysoké Tatry
Phone number: +421 903 747 636, +421 52 4422 562
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.penzionvalaska.sk

A stylish guesthouse Chata Valaska (838 m.n.m) is situated on the outskirts of the picturesque village of Dolný Smokovec (High Tatras). You can stay in comfortable rooms or fully furnished suites with a beautiful view of the High Tatras, you will experience the ideal holiday in a peaceful family atmosphere. A great advantage is an easy access by car and by train.

The tram stop is only a 5-minute walk away, allowing you to get to us by train from all over Slovakia. Just take the tram to Poprad Tatry and take a few minutes to get there. If you travel by car, you will not need to use it at all during your vacation as all famous areas such as Štrbské pleso, Smokovec, Tatranská Lomnica are available and accessible by tram.

For corporate clients, we have a conference room and a wide range of options to tailor for your event.
A unique option to make your stay more enjoyable is horseback riding. Advanced riders, as well as beginners, can ride at our ranch in Kezmarok (www.ranc-cajka.sk). You can take a ride with our experienced guide around the area and experience the beautiful nature and beautiful views of the High Tatras or Levočské vrchy.