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Hotel Granit*** Nová Polianka – Climatic Spa

Adress: Nová Polianka 12, 059 83 Vysoké Tatry
Phone number: +421 52 784 1111
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: granithotels.sk/sk

Hotel Granit *** is located in a picturesque valley below Gerlachovský štít directly at the foot of Nová Polianka. It offers guests immense relaxation in a peaceful environment in the heart of nature of the High Tatras.

In the beautiful environment of the High Tatras, not only breathtaking views await holidaymakers, but above all quality rest with rehabilitation and health procedures under the supervision of doctors and specialized staff.

This national cultural monument, after a complete reconstruction, attracts guests not only with new modern rooms but also with wellness services or alpine fauna and flora in the immediate vicinity of the hotel. The launch of a unique retro cinema with a capacity of up to 175 seats is also being prepared, which will soon complement the historic character of the entire facility.