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Villa Dr. Szontagh est.1876 ****

Adress: Nový Smokovec 39, 06201 Vysoké Tatry
Phone number: +421 910 505 559
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: villaszontagh.com/

A unique boutique hotel **** with a rich historical tradition since 1876 is located in the heart of Nový Smokovec. It is named after its founder – Dr. Szontagh, who with his hard work has built an alpine treatment center with world-class services. The intention of the new owners is to return this legendary standard to the guests and, last but not least, to the High Tatras. Each guest has been approached individually with an effort to provide the best possible services with care for body and soul since 1876.

All rooms are designed to ensure maximum comfort and convenience while offering sufficient flexibility in choice. During the sensitive reconstruction, emphasis was placed on the local craftsmanship quality and the decoration of even the smallest details that always matter. Your first visit will definitely not be your last. There is also a private wellness area with a Finnish sauna, a hot tub and a large relaxation room with a fireplace.

The villa also has congress halls.