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Summer Hiking in High Tatras

Interesting tips for hiking with track description, pictures and videos. Where to go for a hike? Let the Tatra Information Centre staff give you a piece of advice on hiking.

Tatranská Magistrála: Part Three

We continue where we left off – this time at Zamkovského chata. We’ll hike through Sliezsky dom to Popradské pleso. This is technically undemanding but quite long track with several possibilities of rest and refreshment along the road. If we are crossing the entire Tatranská Magistrála, then we’ll start at Zamkovského chalet where we slept. […]

From Chata pod Soliskom to Wahlenbergove tarns

Medium challenging half-day hike with a help of a chairlift from Štrbské pleso to a chalet Chata pod Soliskom. We’ll take a blue marked rocky trail () 0,15h. to a junction Rázcestie pod Soliskom from where we turn off onto a yellow trail (). We follow 1,15h. through a valley Furkotská dolina up to the […]

Tatranská Magistrála: Part Four

The last part of Tatranská magistrála from Popradské pleso to Podbanské awaits us. This route is not technically demanding, but if we want to go all the way till the end, it is quite long. We start at Popradské pleso and after 1,10 h h by red trail () we arrive at Štrbské Pleso, where […]

From Hrebienok Through the Waterfalls to Zamkovského chata

Easy pleasant walk suitable for families with children. We start at Hrebienok, where we got by the funicular from Starý Smokovec. We continue towards Bilíkova chata and waterfalls (). After 0,15 h we get to a junction Rázcestie nad Dlhým vodopádom. It pays off to descend a few meters on a yellow trail () and […]

Loop Hike from Tatranská Lomnica through Waterfalls Studeného Potoka and Skalnaté Pleso

All day unchallenging hike with gentle incline. We start in Tatranská Lomnica in the cable car area. We go around the cable car station to Štart from the left side and continue on blue trail to an irrigation tank. We don’t have to be afraid to get off or miss the trail because the route […]

From Popradské Pleso to Veľké and Malé Hincovo pleso

Very nice technically undemanding hike in the valley Mengusovská dolina for lovers of Tatra tarns. We set off from the Popradské Pleso tram stop. It would be ideal to get here by tram because then we can return with another route. A comfortable wide asphalt road leads to Popradské pleso, which in summer also serves […]

Hike through Veľká Studená dolina to Zbojnícka chata

Very pleasant half-day hike through beautiful green valley Veľká Studená dolina. Our starting point is Hrebienok where we can get by funicular. Those who want to start earlier or don’t mind prolonging their hike can already start in Starý Smokovec and walk to Hrebienok by foot following the green trail . From Hrebienok we set […]

From Tatranská Kotlina or Kežmarské Žľaby to Chalet Plesnivec

Easy pleasant hike to the only chalet in the Belianske Tatras suitable also for families with children. We start in Tatranská Kotlina at the bus stop Čarda. From here leads the easiest trail to the chalet (1:55 h). The hiking trail starts right next to the main road either at the bus stop or from […]

Hike through Malá Studená dolina to Téryho chata

Half-day hike through the valley Malá Studená dolina. Our starting point is Hrebienok where we can get by funicular. Those who want to start earlier or don’t mind prolonging their hike can already start in Starý Smokovec and walk to Hrebienok by foot following the green trail . From Hrebienok we set out on a […]

From Tatranská Lesná through the Waterfalls to Tatranská Lomnica

Pleasant walk suitable for families with children. We start in Tatranská Lesná, where we can easily get by tram. After getting out, we cross the road and the guidepost immediately directs us towards Vodopády Studeného potoka that will take about 1,30 h on a yellow trail (). We follow first a forrest path, later a […]

Wandering in Belianske Tatras

Very beautiful hike in the Belianske Tatras – through a valley Zadné Meďodoly. We start in a village Tatranská Javorina at a bus stop Pošta. Then we continue 0,30h. along a comfortable paved path to a junction Rázcestie pod Muráňom. This part of the track is also suitable for a walk with a baby stroller […]

From Štrbské Pleso to Symbolic Cemetery and Popradské pleso

Pleasant half-day hike suitable also for families, with more options for refreshment and relaxation. Our starting point is at Štrbské Pleso railway station, from where we follow the red and blue trails ( ) on an asphalt road along the souvenir stands. We pass under a bridge. We continue straight up across a bridge to […]

Walk from Štrbské to Jamské pleso

Pleasant approximately 2,5-hour walk there and back suitable for families with children. We start at Štrbské pleso railway station, from where we continue to the tarn by blue trail (). We pass along it on the left side, turn off at the red trail () and continue along a pleasant forest path towards Jamské pleso. […]

Ferrata via Priečne sedlo

Since the summer of 2021, you can diversify the demanding crossing over the saddle Priečne sedlo by using a new secured road – the so-called via ferrata, which runs parallel to the original chains in the exposed terrain. To start this secured route, use the same starting point as for the classic pass of Priečne […]

Sliezsky dom from Tatranská Polianka

Popular, technically undemanding hike from Tatranská Polianka to the Mountain Hotel Sliezsky dom. Starting point for our hike is in Tatranská Polianka, where we can easily get by tram or park our car at a small parking lot right by the road. Right next to the main road to the left of the digital gallery […]

Hike to Waterfall Skok

A simple hike also for families with kids. We start at Štrbské Pleso, where we can get either by tram or there are several parking lots available in the area. The beginning of our trail to the Waterfall Skok 1,35 h () can be found at the signpost at the turn to the chairlift to […]

Hike to Vychodna Vysoka from Tatranska Polianka

Challenging all-day hike with exposed sections. Starting point of the hike is in Tatranská Polianka where from we proceed in the direction of a mountain hotel Sliezsky dom. It’s up to us if we continue with the asphalt road or the forest path that cuts through the long winding road. From Sliezsky dom that offers […]

Long Ascent to Slavkovský štít

A long strenuous all-day hike without the possibility of refreshment, by many tourists referred to as endless :-). We start from Starý Smokovec following the blue trail next to the funicular station up until a junction Rázcestie pod Slavkovským štítom 1h:10min. From here we continue by slowly ascending to Slavkovská vyhliadka where we can rest […]

Ascent to Koprovsky stit from Strbske Pleso

Very beautiful and interesting all-day hike. We start from Strbske pleso along ( ) trails until we reach the junction of Trigan where we’ll decide if we want to continue along the red trail with beautiful views of Popradske pleso or to go along the green trail (during winter season this is the winter trail) […]

Hike through Mlynická and Furkotská Dolina

All-day challenging hike through the valleys Mlynická and Furkotská dolina rich in natural beauty without any refreshment. The route takes us twice through more exposed terrain and is secured by chains. We start from Štrbské Pleso through the Mlynická dolina towards the Waterfall Skok, where leads a pleasant, slightly ascending forest path, later a rocky […]

Ascent to Kriváň from Štrbské Pleso

Challenging all-day hike for tourists in good physical shape without the possibility of refreshment on the way. We start from Štrbské pleso and are heading to Jamské pleso -1h:10min. () following a comfortable forest path with minimal ascent up until we reach the trail junction Rázcestie pri Jamskom plese. We start our way up () […]

Loop Hike Via Priečne Sedlo

Crossing the saddleback Priečne sedlo is a very popular but challenging all-day hike. However, it’s not suitable for everyone – the stretch through the saddle from Malá to Veľká Studená dolina or vice versa is exposed and secured by chains. We can shorten the hike by overnight stay at one of the chalets Téryho chata, […]

Ascent to Predné Solisko through Furkotská dolina

Medium challenging half-day hike. We start the hike from Štrbské pleso 0,40 h to a junction Rázcestie pod Furkotou. If we continued along the red trail we would get to a tarn Jamské pleso but we choose the yellow trail instead. After 1h. along first forest path and then stone steps we get to a […]

Through Zelené pleso to Jahňací štít

Very nice all-day hike for more demanding and skilled hikers. There are more possible ways how to get to the peak. The shortest track to Chata pri Zelenom plese („The Chalet at the Green Tarn“) leads from a bus stop Biela voda – 2,5 h. (). The comfortable trail leads through woods and meadows and […]

Ascent to Predné Solisko along the ski slope

A moderately strenuous half-day hike. We start our hike from the bottom station of the chair lift in Štrbské Pleso and continue up until the chalet Chata pod Soliskom – 1,50 h (). The trail is at first a forest path and then changes into rocky with stone steps. The chalet offers refreshment and a […]

Tatranská Magistrála: Part Two

Tatranská Magistrála cross-over from Chata pri Zelenom plese through a saddle Veľká Svišťovka, along a tarn Skalnaté pleso up to a chalet Zamkovského chata. In the section Chata pri Zelenom plese – Veľka Svišťovka, the hike is more difficult with partially exposed terrain secured by chains. It’s more beautiful to do the hike in the […]

Hike from Popradské pleso to Rysy

All-day interesting hike for tourists in good physical shape. Starting from tram station Popradske Pleso the asphalt road leads us to the tarn Popradské pleso (1:15h ) and two nearby standing chalets: Chata pri Popradskom plese and Majláthova chata. Here we can relax, refresh ourselves and recover before the climb to the peak. If we […]

Tatranská Magistrála: Part One

All day hike in Belianske Tatras for lovers of less frequented hiking trails. This is the first part of the Tatranská Magistrála cross-over: Ždiar – Monkova dolina, Kopské sedlo – Zelené pleso. We start the hike in the village of Ždiar – bus stop Tatra. We strike out in the direction of a junction Rázcestie […]

From Belianske to High Tatras

Very pleasant hike from Tatranská Kotlina through chalet Plesnivec to the tarn Veľké Biele pleso, where we can see an interesting transition between Belianske and High Tatras. We start in Tatranská Kotlina at the bus stop Čarda. From here leads the easiest trail to the chalet (1:55 h) and we can get there by a […]