Tatranské informačné kancelárie Starý Smokovec 052/442 34 40 Tatranská Lomnica 052/446 81 19 Informácie

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Pension Orion

Adress: Tatranská 50/187, 059 52 Stará Lesná
Phone number: +421 52 446 77 37
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.pension-orion.sk

Pension Orion (GPS: 49°8’7.7” N, 20°18’18.7” E ) is situated in terrace houses at the quiet street of the village Stará Lesná, 4 km away from Tatranská Lomnica. The pension disposes of 6 rooms with 15 beds. All rooms are comfortably furnished and offer a bathroom and toilette. The visitors have at disposal a fully-fitted kitchen with refrigerator and gas-oven, the garden sitting with the grill and parking place for cars. The Cool Creek flows just behind the garden of the pension. The price of the accommodation in a double room is 10 Eur/night for a person, in a room with 3 beds and 4 beds: 8 Eur /night for a person. We allow a discount for stays exceeded 5 nights.