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Pension Caritas in Dolný Smokovec

Adress: Dolný Smokovec 19, 059 81
Phone number: 052/442 26 30, +421 905 918 664
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.penzioncaritas.sk/

The operation of the pension was taken over by the Spiš Catholic Charity from November 1st, 2020, which took this step mainly because of the preservation of the idea of Father Bishop Vojtaššák, who bought this house for the needs of the charity from Count Karatsony.

Pension Caritas has a rich history, dating back to 1938. Currently, in addition to spiritual exercises and spiritual renewal, Pension Caritas also offers recreational stays for tourists, families with children, schools and companies, at favorable prices. Ski training, trips and schools in nature have become a long-standing tradition for many schools. Families with children will certainly welcome the possibility of a winter recreational stay with the option of the “Greguskaski” Ski School, a 5-minute walk away. The Caritas ** guesthouse provides accommodation throughout the year and is a unique facility in the Tatras where, in addition to relaxation and well-being, you can also take care of yourself spiritually.

The goal of the Spiš Catholic Charity is to continue to preserve the charity house as a place of spiritual and physical recreation in conditions that meet current (and future) needs. Come and enjoy nature and help people in need from a wide range of target groups.