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KľúčIQ Escape Room

Adress: Osloboditeľov 231/8, Batizovce
Phone number: +421 902 512 775
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: kluciq-escape-room.webnode.sk/

Would you like to enjoy your vacation, but have you run out of ideas for activities? Whether you’re traveling as a couple or with a group, KlúčIQ Escape Room is something you should definitely try. The KľúčIQ Escape Room is located in Batizovce. We offer visitors approximately 70 minutes of unique, “unprecedented” entertainment and excitement. If you are thinking about a way to make your stay in the region more pleasant, you have just found it.

You and your team (2-5 people) are closed in a room. Time is running out and your task is to solve the logic puzzles to get out. You will become part of the game and your success will be guaranteed by attentiveness and especially cooperation.

HOUNTED ROOM GAME – A family friend asks you for a favor. Their daughter’s room has been the focus of a lot of strange activity lately. Slamming doors, destroyed and levitating toys. They packed all their things and left the house. They hope that you will be able to find things that will help you stop the possessed object and they will be able to return.

Opening hours

Monday        16:00 – 22:00

Tuesday         16:00 – 22:00

Wednesday   16:00 – 22:00

Thursday       16:00 – 22:00

Friday            16:00 – 00:00

Saturday        9:00 – 00:00

Sunday          9:00 – 22:00 

The game must be booked in advance by phone or online.