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Ice Climbing

Treat yourself to a dose of adrenaline in the sparkling Tatra ice falls, which were modeled for you by the beautiful winter queen of the Tatras.
Movement outside the winter hiking trails is only possible accompanied by a mountain guide, or with a valid climbing license in accordance with the visitor rules.

Source of information: www.zamka.sk (Zamkovského chata)
More information about ice climbing and the state of ice falls: www.tatraguide.sk
Photo: www.janiga.sk

In Veľká and Mala Studená dolina:

1. Icefall Slnečná zákruta (“Sun Bend”)
Access: from the Zamkovského chalet follow the red trail towards Hrebienok, after 10 min. walking you’ll get to the icefall.

2. Icefall in “Záhradky” (Gardens)
Access: from the chalet follow the red trail towards Hrebienok, on the main trail above Rainerova chata turn right towards Slavkovský hrebeň.
Duration: about 30 min.

3. Icefall “Uhoľné prázdniny” (“Coal holiday”)
Access: from the cottage follow the green sign towards Téry’s cottage, after 15 min. on the walk we turn right under the Lomnický ridge.
Duration: about 30 min.

4. Veverka’s Icefall
Access: from the chalet follow the red trail towards Hrebienok, at the level of Rainerova chata turn right at the blue trail, direction Zbojnícka chata. After 20 minutes, turn off the trail to the left under the Veverkov žľab (couloir).
Duration: about 45 min.

5. and 6. “Grosz’s Icefall” upper and lower
Access: from the cottage follow the red sign towards Hrebienok, at the level of Rainer’s cottage turn right to the blue sign, direction Zbojnícka chata. After 40 min. turn left to Slavkovský štít.
Duration: about 55 min.

Other possibilities for ice climbing are in the valleys:

– in the Velická valley,

– in the Mengusovská valley:

– Ostrva-Filmársky žľab (couloir)
– Ostrva – Western Wall
– Icefall in Patria
– Vyšné Baštové sedlo
– Kôpky