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Cross-Country Skiing Jamy – Tatranská Lomnica

bezky tatranska lomnica

The route leads from the former Jamy ski area next to the cable car station to the water reservoir for snowmaking, which it bypasses. It rises 93 meters at 2 kilometers. The route is suitable as a supplement after downhill skiing.


Current state of the trails in the High Tatras

Aktualizované 27.1.2025 7:00hod

Tatranská Lomnica







1 Kolbisko 2,0km Obmedzené  TU Parkovanie pri futbalovom ihrisku 
2 Jamy 2,0km neuprevené TU Parkovanie pri údolnej stanici lanovky
3 Starolesnianské lúky 7,5km neuprevené TU Parkovanie na sídlisku je obmedzené
  Hotel Hutník T.Matlare 2,0km neuprevené    
  T.Lomnica - T.Kotlina 8,5km neuprevené    

Dolný Smokovec

4 Farské lúky 0,4km Neupravené TU Parkovanie na sídlisku je obmedzené

Nový Smokovec - Vyšné Hágy

5 Chodník pri ceste Slobody 8,0km neuprevené TU Parkovanie na sídlisku je obmedzené

Tatranská Polianka

6 Lúky Tatrahaim  2,0km neuprevené TU Parkovanie na sídlisku je obmedzené

Vyšné Hágy

7 Ihrisko 0,3km Obmedzené TU Parkovanie na sídlisku je obmedzené

Nová Polianka

8 Park v areáli 0,3km neuprevené TU Parkovanie v areáli je obmedzené

Tips for other trails

Cross-Country Skiing Veľká Lomnica

In winter, the Black Stork Golf Resort offers a total of 12 km of groomed classic-style cross-country skiing trails. The trails are located in the golf resort complex, close to the International Hotel. Name of the Trail Length Difficulty Profile Easy Medium Difficult Classic Skate Circuit A1 2,6 km • • Circuit A2 1,5 km […]

Cross-Country Circuit Lúky – Tatranská Polianka

Ski on the 2 or 3 km long circuits on the meadows between Tatranská Polianka and Gerlachov. Find out more about the history of cross-country skiing in Tatranská Polianka HERE! Official websites of the cross-country skiing tracks: https://www.facebook.com/tatraheim tatraheim.sk

Cross-Country Skiing Circuit Švorcov kút – Tatranská Štrba

The trail is outside the Snow Area, in Tatranská Štrba. This 4 km long circuit has an elevation of 45 m and will serve not only visitors but also the locals of Tatranská Štrba. Oficiálna FB stránka Oficiálna webová stránka

Cross-Country Circuit Vyšné Hágy

The highest elevated football field will be transformed into a 400 m long cross-country skiing circuit in winter. Try cross-country skiing in this interesting Tatra settlement. Official websites of the cross-country skiing tracks: https://www.facebook.com/tatraheim tatraheim.sk

Cross-Country Skiing on the Tarn Štrbské pleso

Frozen tarn Štrbské pleso is a great attraction not only for hikers but especially for cross-country skiers. We would like to warn you that cross-country skiing on the tarn is not part of the cross-country skiing area, the trail is not groomed and the entrance is at your own risk. Please reconsider cross-country skiing at […]

Cross-Country Skiing Dolný Smokovec – Circuit Farské lúky

A simple 400 m long circuit is especially suitable for beginners and children. It is located on a meadow between the primary school building, the parish and the housing estate. No total ascent. Our tip – you can alternate this cross-country skiing circuit with skating on a nearby ice rink.

Cross-Country Skiing Nový Smokovec – Vyšné Hágy

The popular trail along the road Cesta Slobody (“Road of Freedom”) from Nový Smokovec to Vyšné Hágy becomes an 8 km long cross-country ski trail in winter and it has beautiful views and minimal elevation gain. In case of favorable snow conditions, it is adjusted so that there is space for both pedestrians and cross-country […]

Furkotská dolina – Cross-Country Skiing Area Snow

A series of three circuits with a length from 3.5 to 6 km will take you through the Furkotská Valley. It only depends on you which turn you’ll use to come back. It is one of the top cross-country skiing experiences, the total ascent is more than 150 m and it is one of the […]

Cross-Country Skiing Mengusovce

The tracks are located on grassy areas west of the village Mengusovce, copying the edges of the forest. They are a characteristic flat profile with slight ascents and descents, so they are also suitable for beginners and parents with children. Cross-country trails for classic cross-country skiing are on both edges of the groomed belt and […]

Andel’s trail – Cross-Country Skiing Area Snow

On the Andel’s trail, the operators of the Cross-Country Skiing Area Snow guarantee snowmaking, thanks to which it is often used by sports clubs and event organizers. On this 2 km of medium-difficult trail, 70 m of elevation is waiting for you, you can of course use classic style as well as skating.   Current […]

Circuit Slepé pleso (“Blind Tarn”) – Cross-Country Skiing Area Snow

The shortest circuit from the elevation difficult routes in the length of 2.5 km with an elevation gain of 90 m leads around the “Blind Tarn” – an almost dry lake, which is increasingly being replaced by peat and has water only during heavy rainfall. From this route, you can also enjoy the view of […]

Cross-Country Skiing in Belianske Tatras

Cross-country skiing in the Belianske Tatras is possible on 56 km of trails in the following resorts: Bachledka Ski and Sun https://bachledka.sk/zima/lyzovanie/zjazdovky-a-vleky Skicentrum Strednica Ždiar https://www.strednica.sk/o-stredisku-zima Strachan – Ski centrum https://skicentrumstrachan.sk/zjazdovky-a-vleky/ Ski Monkova dolina https://www.magurahotel.sk/sk/lyziarske-stredisko/bezecke-trate.htm

Sprint Trail – Cross-Country Skiing Area Snow

One of the trails which has been approved by FIS certification has an elevation of 42 m on a length of 1.6 km. It is classified as moderate. Official FB webpage Official website

Cross-Country Skiing around Poprad

The surroundings of the Tatras offer a total of 46.5 km of trails of varying difficulty in the following areas: KUBAŠOK – SPIŠSKÉ BYSTRÉ http://www.kubasok.sk/ SNOWPARK LUČIVNÁ – ZADNÉ TABLE https://www.snowpark.sk/#sluzby  LOPUŠNÁ DOLINA http://www.svitlopusnadolina.sk/ ŠTÔLA https://www.stola.sk/–71-420-bezecke-trate-v-obci—stopa-zacina-od-miestneho-cintorina MENGUSOVCE https://www.mengusovce.sk/mengusovsky-bezkar/

Cross-Country Skiing Trail – Old Route from Štrbské pleso to Tatranská Štrba

The trail is already outside the Snow Area. We recommend almost 4 km downhill on an old road with a total ascent of more than 350 m in case of favorable snow conditions instead of going by cog railway. You can find the start under Móry’s viewpoint.   Current state of trails in Cross-Country Skiing […]

Cross-Country Skiing Jamy – Tatranská Lomnica

The route leads from the former Jamy ski area next to the cable car station to the water reservoir for snowmaking, which it bypasses. It rises 93 meters at 2 kilometers. The route is suitable as a supplement after downhill skiing.   Current state of the trails in the High Tatras Tips for other trails

Cross-Country Skiing Kolbisko – Tatranská Lomnica

An interesting circuit, with a skating and classic track. It leads through the Kolbiská area, around the Botanical Garden or the TANAP State Forests building.   Current state of the trails in the High Tatras Tips for other trails

Cross-Country Skiing Starolesnianske lúky – Tatranská Lomnica

Ski from Tatranská Lomnica to the 8 km long classic track towards Stará Lesná or ski parallel with the rails until you connect to 12 km of cross-country trails in the golf complex in Veľká Lomnica. In Stará Lesná, you can study interesting things on the Astronomical education trail on cross-country skis. We also recommend […]

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