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AquaCity Poprad – 50 m Swimming Pool

AquaCity Poprad is a resort with a new top swimming pool, which is perfect for people who love swimming. The swimming center has not only international parameters but also ambitions. The pool was designed according to the prescribed parameters of the International Swimming Federation (FINA) and thus ensures a quality training process for athletes and the opportunity to organize competition events. There are sixteen starting blocks. During training camps, trainings and races, it is possible to borrow an OMEGA timer.

The new stainless steel pool enchants with user comfort for athletes and visitors alike. The water temperature is 28 ° C. The atmosphere of the space is completed by a heated grandstand. The pool is also wheelchair accessible.

There are high-humidity male and female steam saunas by the swimming pool, where you can relax and unwind. Your body gets rid of harmful substances and cleanses the skin. Steam saunas are an excellent addition to reconditioning.