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next eventBakery Pekárova žena
Phone number: 0948 161 528
E-mail: [email protected]
Since we have been operating a large-scale bakery for several years, we have noticed that traditionalism seems to be slowly disappearing in Slovakia. So we decided to bring quality bakery products as close as possible to you. They are produced using traditional methods from high-quality raw materials and without additives.
None of our pastries are baked or frozen. All of our products are manufactured, taking into account the resting time before baking. Every single product is made by hand, which you can tell when the products have a slightly different shape.
Each of our products is made from high-quality raw materials that are subject to high-quality control. The basis is always flour, yeast, and salt, we never use artificial preparations, preservatives, and flavorings, but only natural ingredients.
You can buy our products through Pekárova žena brick-and-mortar stores. In addition to our products, you can also enjoy a variety of refreshing drinks and quality Slovak products.
Each of our stores is unique and adapted to the place where it is located. But at all of them, you will find the same quality products, professional staff and an environment where you can enjoy not only our pastries. Our next plan is to expand operations to several cities in eastern Slovakia.